Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 289: How do you help really really SMRT people? Get out of their way

This week I had the pleasure of helping a Black belt team with supply chain kaizen at a local technology company. This team, almost 20 people strong, was chock full of really really smart people. 

In fact they were so SMRT that I really had little to do, little to offer in they way of help beyond the occasional suggestion or challenge to the group. It's a bit of an odd sensation. I suppose I could have stuck my nose in to more conversations, but I was worried about overly-directing them, or influencing them too much. As always, I might have gone after different areas or opportunities than what the group chose to pursue, but that's one of the great benefits of participating in these events - I get to see what unfolds and enjoy the chance to see how other people think.
Balancing the "too much" vs. the "too little" is still my challenge. It's hard to find the sweet spot. 

This week was also a chance to let go a bit more, to be away from the office and delegate a fairly important and high profile activity. I am really lucky to work with a very competent team, so I knew it would all be ok. But I was very anxious in that I wished I could have been a fly on the wall and seen what had transpired! I think I will take this as an opportunity to further reflect on my role at my organization and how that might still further evolve.


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